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1607 EUSEBIUS, SOCRATES, &c. The Ancient Ecclesiastical Histories of the First Six Centuries. Nice!

1607 EUSEBIUS, SOCRATES, &c. The Ancient Ecclesiastical Histories of the First Six Centuries. Nice!

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Contnets include the histories of Eusebius Pamphilus, Bishop of Caesarea in Palaestina; Socrates Scholasticus of Constantinople; Evagrius Scholasticus of Antioch; Dorotheus Bishop of Tyrus [Spurious], of the Lives and Ends of the Prophets, Apostles, and 70 Disciples.

Eusebius, Socrates, and Euagrius. The Auncient Ecclesiastical Histories of the First Six Hundred Yeares After Christ, Written in the Greeke Tongue by Three Learned Historiographers, Eusebius, Socrates, and Euagrius. Eusebius Pamphilus Bishop of Cesarea in Palestina Wrote 10 .Bookes. Socrates Scholasticus of Constantinople Wrote 7. Bookes. Euagrius Scholasticus of Antioch Wrote 6. Bookes. Whereunto is Annexed Dortheus Bishop of Tyrus, of the Liues and Ends of the Prophets, Apostles, and 70. Disciples. All Which Authors are Faithfully Translated out of the Greeke Tongue by Meredith Hanmer Doctor of Diuinitie. Last of All, Herein is Contained a Briefe Chronographie Collected by the Said Translator, with a Copious Index of the Principall Matters Throughout all the Histories, The Third Edition, Corrected and Amended. London. Printed by Richard Field. 1607. 598pp.

A good + copy in folio, bound in 19th century half leather, a bit shaken a the prelims, but generally solid. Pages are generally bright aside from some stains to the first few signatures. A rather lovely typographical production with a mix of black letter, serif, and italic fonts. 

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