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1651 ELNATHAN PARR. Rare Puritan Exposition of Romans + Other Works. Spurgeon Recommended.

1651 ELNATHAN PARR. Rare Puritan Exposition of Romans + Other Works. Spurgeon Recommended.

Regular price $375.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $375.00 USD
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C. H. Spurgeon. . . the matter is rich and full of suggestions . . . and . . . it is seldom to be met with except in fragments.

Dr. Williams called his works equally remarkable for soundness of sentiment, familiarity of illustration, and want of taste in style and composition.

Parr, Elnathan. The Workes of that Faithfull and Painfull Preacher, Mr. Elnathan Parr, Batchelour in Divinity, late Minister in Suffolk. The fourth Edition, corrected and enlarged by the Authors own hand, before his death. London. Printed by Ed. Griffin and Wil. Hunt. 1651. 366 + 82pp.


A Short View of the Epistle to the Romans [366pp].


The Grounds of Divinity, Plainely discovering the Mysteries of Christian Religion, Propounded Familiarly in divers Questions and Answers: Substantially Proved by Scriptures; Expounded and Faithfully, According to the Writings of the Best Divines, and Evidently Applied by Profitable Uses, for the Help and Benefit of the Unlearned which desire Knowledge, to the which is prefixed a very profitable Treatise, containing an Exhortation to the Study of the Word, with singular Directions for the Hearing and Reading of the Same. London, Printed by Edw. Griffin, and Will. Hunt. 1651. 


Abba Father, Or a Plaine & Short Direction Concerning the Framing of Private Prayer. Also, Sundry Godly Admonitions concerning Time, and the Well-Using of It. London. Printed by Edward Griffin and William Hunt for Samuell Man at the Signe of the Swan in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1651. 

An attractive large 4to, near folio, of 10 3/4 inches bound in full tree calf likely in the 19th century. Raised bands, simple contrasting morocco label. Aside from some minor losses at corner and head of spine, quite attractive on the shelf. 

The title is handled, a bit chipped, and slightly offset from the block. Some scattered staining at gutter which varies in intensity, two leaves have tears with losses to bottom third of the page. The final few leaves are badly chipped, but all text still legible. Complete aside from the two mentioned leaves. Very scarce and would easily be priced at double with some slight tweaks in condition. 


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