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1694 BENJAMIN KEACH. Rare Baptist! Glories of God's Rich Grace Display'd. Pastored Spurgeon's Church!

1694 BENJAMIN KEACH. Rare Baptist! Glories of God's Rich Grace Display'd. Pastored Spurgeon's Church!

Regular price $550.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $550.00 USD
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Benjamin Keach [1640-1704] was one of the most influential Baptists of the late 17th century, as the Baptists finally began to emerge from persecution as part of the "independent" protestant landscape in England and America. He himself had been fined and pilloried for the publication of a work questining the usefulness of baptism for children.

He was a prolific writer, with several of his works being almost continuously in print for the last 300 years. His church ultimately became the New Park Street Church which was later pastored by C. H. Spurgeon. He was the first Baptist to introduce and advocate for the use of hymns in public worship and published the Cathecism that attempted to clarify and expound the Baptist Confession of 1677.

The present work is exceptionally scarce, and a beautiful example of pure, Baptist Gospel sermons from the late 17th century.  No copies on the market at any price. We have not handled this book in the 25+ years we have been dealing in rare Baptist material. 

Keach, Benjamin. A Golden Mine Opened, Or, The Glory of God's Rich Grace Displayed in the Mediator to Believers, and His Direful Wrath against Impenitent Sinners Containing the Substance of Near Forty Sermons upon Several Subjects. London. Printed and Sold by the Author at His House in Horse-Lie-Down and William Marshall at the Bible in Newgate-street. 1694. First Edition. 500pp.

Text block is quite solid and generally clean with a few old tide marks [not obnoxious] and some light foxing and turned corners. Binding is original plain calf, split at hinges and boards held on very tenuously indeed by cords. Heavily rubbed. Binding fair only. 

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