1796 JEREMY BELKNAP. The Afflictions of the Gospel - Sermon by American Revolution Chaplain.
1796 JEREMY BELKNAP. The Afflictions of the Gospel - Sermon by American Revolution Chaplain.
Excellent sermon by one of the most prominent preachers and historians of the American Revolutionary War era; he was baptized by the famed Thomas Prince and studied theology at Harvard. He was Chaplain at the Battle of Lexington in 1775, before formal hostilities, and served during the entirety of the conflict as a faithful preacher of the Gospel to the American troops.
The text then, addressed to clergy, Be thou partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel, according to the power of God, is fitting.
Belknap, Jeremy. A Sermon Delivered before the Convention of the Clergy of Massachusetts, in Boston, May 26, 1796. Boston. Samuel Hall. 1796. 29pp.
Good. Half title and rear blank present, but chipped and detached. All else solidly side-stitched as usual and textually quite good.