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1800 GEORGE WASHINGTON. Superb 8pp Unpublished Discourse for National Day of Mourning.
1800 GEORGE WASHINGTON. Superb 8pp Unpublished Discourse for National Day of Mourning.
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A superbly preserved MSs unpublished 8pp prayer delivered on the day of mourning for the death of General George Washington.
No author or place indicated, but an excellent specimen and memento of the day.
The document in full as follows:
Adapted to the 22nd Febry 1800, being the day of general mourning throughout the United States for the death of General George Washington.
Thou, O Lord! Art the supreme Disposer of all events. Thou doest as it seemeth good in thy sight amongst the armies of Heaven, and the inhabitants of this world. Not even a sparrow falleth on the ground without thy knowledge, and approbation. Thou hast the keys of death and the grave. Thou shuttest and no man openeth. Thou killest and thou makest alive. Thou liftest one up, and pullest another down; - and there is none that can stay thine hand. There are none of thy creatures that can, with any degree of propriety, say unto thee, Why doest thou this – or thus? Great and marvelous are thy works; just and true are all thy ways.
Whilst we acknowledge, with reverence and submission, thy dominion over Universal Nature, we desire to have our hearts particularly impressed with gratitude and love, when we reflect on the innumerable expressions of thy goodness and mercy towards this highly favored country.
Thou didst in thy wise and sovereign Providence bring our pious ancestors to these ends of the earth. Although they were exposed to perils of waters, perils of robbers, perils of their own countrymen, perils by the heathen, perils in the wilderness, and perils among false brethren, yet under thy benign fosterage they increased mightily, and waxed strong. They were troubled on every side, but not utterly overpressed. They were perplexed, but not in despair; and persecuted, but not forsaken. Thou Oh Lord Most Right! wert their sun and shield – their buckler and their defence. Thy mercies were new to them every morning, and thy loving-kindness repeated in the evening: - great was thy faithfulness!
We thank thee, O Lord! That thou didst Plant a vine in this wilderness and that we partake of its fruit. We praise thee that our fore-fathers had become acquainted with the pure religion of Jesus Christ, before they embarked for these distant shores. We thank thee, Most Merciful Father! that it has not been our unhappy lot to wander in the ways of ignorance and error like those wretched people, who, in former ages, inhabited these forests. We thank thee for those examples of simplicity and godly sincerity which our pious ancestors have left us. We bless thee that thou hast never been unmindful of thy church, planted in this land. Altho frequently attacked, yet (blessed by thy name!) the gates of hell have never fully prevailed against it.
Heavenly Father! Thou hast been our Guardian God through the late revolutionary war. When we lay in the open field with no eye to pity, thou sadist – “Live.” Although many mighty men of valor did set their faces against us, yet we waxed stronger and stronger, and finally triumphed over Principalities and Powers. Thou gavest us a Joshua to lead forth our armies and drive the Canaanites from our borders. Thou didst inspire him with fortitude unshaken, with courage undismayed, with activity indefatigable, with integrity incorrupt, and with prudence extraordinary to conduct our national affairs with success in times of war and peace. –
And now, O Lord! Thou hast been pleased in thy wise and sovereign Providence, to remove him to the house appointed for all living. After a life devoted to promote the welfare of his beloved country, he has at length, resigned his commission into the hand of – Death.
Holy Father! Thou beholdest the grief and anguish of our souls on this mournful occasion. We beseech thee to teach us submission and resignation to thy Divine Providence. – The Lord gave – the Lord hath taken away; - blessed be the name of the Lord! We thank thee that a life so valuable has been preserved so long. We thank thee that thou didst cover his head in the day of battle, and give him to enjoy, in a great measure, the reward of his toils and dangers. We thank thee that thou didst enable him to support to the very last the character of a virtuous patriot, and a humble Christian. We bless thee for the illustrious examples of virtue in life and Christian fortitude in death which he has left us. We thank thee, Most Gracious God! For the consoling hope that his immortal spirit has been introduced to an innumerable company of Angels – to the spirits of just men made perfect - to God the Judge of all, and to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant.
Although our loss be great, yet we thank thee that we have not cause to indulge despair. We are not left destitute. Thou hast qualified others with skill and, we trust, with wisdom from on high to conduct our political bark with safety amidst the storms of discord and the raging fury of contending nations.
Continue, we beseech thee, in the manifestation of thy goodness towards us as a nation. Be a wall of fire around us, and a glory in the midst of us. Avert from us, O Lord, the calamities of external war, and the horrors of internal discord. May pure and undefiled religion before God, even the father, prosper and flourish amongst us, and vice and immorality be increasingly suppressed.
Bless thy servant, the President of the United States and both houses of Congress. Superintend all their deliberations at the present session. May they be always influenced with a sincere desire to promote the welfare of this great and growing Republic.
Do thou, who of one blood has made all the nations of the earth, bless the whole family of Men. Put a speedy end, we beseech thee, to war and discord. Hasten the blessed time when mankind shall dwell together like brethren, in harmony and peace. Be merciful to those nations that are destitute of the advantages and privileges which we enjoy. Hasten the blessed time when the knowledge of thee shall cover the earth as the waters do the seas. Bless the means that are now used for the propagation of the gospel amongst the heathen. Encourage the heart of those who are embarked in this glorious cause. May they see of the travail of their souls and may their converts be numerous as the morning dew.
Bless the sick and afflicted. May their light affliction, which is but for a moment, work for them a far more exceeding, even an eternal, weight of glory. Be a father to the fatherless, a guide & director to the young, a staff and support to the aged, and the widow’s God. Bless all our dear friends, reward our kind benefactors. And freely forgive all our enemies. We beseech thee, O Lord, to bless us that are now assembled in thy presence. Give every necessary assistance to discharge the various duties of the day in a manner acceptable to thee and profitable to ourselves.
These, and whatsoever other blessings thou seest necessary for us, we humble ask in the all-prevailing name and mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord.
8pp. Very good condition with some handling at extremities, side stitched. No place or name. Untraced in published data.