1801-1826 ADONIRAM JUDSON - FREEMASONRY. Sammelband of Excellent 19th Century Sermons.
1801-1826 ADONIRAM JUDSON - FREEMASONRY. Sammelband of Excellent 19th Century Sermons.
A very fine sammelband of 14 independently published works bound together into a single volume for Major Ebenezer Clark, who appears to have been related to one of the contributors and recipients of several of the sermons, Simeon and Lucretia Colton.
Contains an important, extensive sermon by Adoniram Judson's co-worker [they sailed together in the original 1812 voyage], Samuel Nott, on the Idolatry of the Hindoos. One of the first American works on the work of Judson and Company in Burmah. Also includes an important sermon on the biblical foundation of Freemasonry, another before the Hampshire Missionary Society [1815], and Charles Backus' important "Century" sermon. An excellent grouping.
Aiken, S. C. On Theatrical Exhibitions. A Sermon, Delivered in Utica, December 11, 1825, by Rev. S. C. Aiken, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Society, Utica. Published by Special Request. Utica. Printed by Colwell & Wilson. 1825. 24pp.
[bound with]
Nott, Samuel. A Sermon on the Idolatry of the Hindoos, Delivered Nov. 29, 1816, at the Annual Meeting, of the Female Foreign Mission Society, of Franklin, Connecticut, Illustrated by an Appendix. By Samuel Nott, Jun. Late Missionary at Bombay. Norwich. Hubbard & Marvin Printers. 1817. 95pp.
[bound with]
Knight, Joseph. A Sermon Delivered at the Interment of Mrs. Betsey Bartlett, Wife of Nathan Bartlett, Esq. Who, In a State of Insanity Drowned Herself on the Night of May 5, 1825. By Joseph Knight, Pastor of the Second Church in Stafford. Published by Request. Hartford. Printed by Goodwin & Co. 1825. 18pp.
[bound with]
Colton, Simeon. Masonry Founded on the Bible, A Sermon, Delivered at Amherst, Mass. June 26, A. L. 5826, at the Festival of Saint John the Baptist. By Simeon Colton. Principal of the Academy in Monson. Amherst. Carter and Adams, Printers. 1826. 31pp.
[bound with]
Dow, Daniel. The Duty of Praying for All that are in Authority, Illustrated. A Sermon Preached Before his Excellency Oliver Wolcott, and the Honourable Legislature of the State of Connecticut, at the General Election, May 4, 1825. By Daniel Dow, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Thompson. Hartford. Charles Babcock.....Printer. 1825. 18pp.
[bound with]
Colton, Simeon. Death a Gain to the Christian. A Sermon, Delivered at Monson, December d31, 1823. At the Interment of Mrs. Lucinda Ely, the Wife of Rev. Alfred Ely. By Simeon Colton, Principal in Monson Academy. Published by Desire of Mourning Friends. Hartford. Printed by Goodwin & Co. 1824. 20pp.
[bound with]
Hall, John. The Oration, Delivered at Tolland Connecticut, Before the Washington Benevolent Society, February 22d, 1814; in Commemoration of Washington's Birth=Day. Hartford. Printed by Hale & Hosmer. 1814. 25pp.
[bound with]
Ely, Alfred. A Sermon Delivered at Monson, Before the Trustees and Students of Monson Academy, October 7, 1818; The Day of The Annual Exhibition. By Alfred Ely, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Monson. Hartford; George Goodwin & Sons.....Printers. 1818. 15pp.
[bound with]
Colton, Simeon. The Gospel a Message of Glad Tidings. A Sermon Preached Before the Union Charitable Society, at Their First Annual Meetins in Monson, September 8, 1818. By Simeon Colton, Pastor of the Church in Palmer. Hartford; G. Goodwin & Sons.....Printers. 1818. 16pp.
[bound with]
Phillips, Ebenezer. Sermon, Delivered at Bridge-Hampton, (L. I.) April 25, 1821. Occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Aaron Woolworth, D. D. Pastor of the Church in that Place. Who Departed this Life, April 2d, 1821. By Ebenezer Phillips, Pastor of the Church in East-Hampton. Jamaica. Printed by Henry. C. Sleight. 1821. 16pp.
[bound with]
Keep, John. Motives for Well-Doing. A Sermon, Delivered in Northampton, August, 24, 1815. Before the Hampshire Missionary Society, at Their Annual Meeting. By John Keeper, A. M. Congregational Minister in Blandford. Northampton. W. W. Clapp. 1815. 24pp.
[bound with]
Ely, Alfred. A Sermon, Delivered at the Interment of Mrs. Lucretia Colton, Wife of the Rev. Simeon Colton, of Palmer, Massachusetts: July 13, 1821. By Alfred Ely, A. M. Pastor of the Church in Monson. With a Sketch of Her life, and Extracts from Her Diary. By Another Hand. Hartford. George Goodwin & Sons.....Printers. 1821. 28pp.
[bound with]
Backus, Charles. A Sermon, Delivered Jan. 1, 1801; Containing a Brief Review of Some of the Distinguishing Events of the Eighteenth Century, By Charles Backus, A. M. Pastor of a Church in Somers. Hartford. Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1801. 31pp.
[bound with]
Strong, Nathan. A Sermon, Preached January 3d, 1804, at the Funeral of the Rev. Charles Backus, D. D. Pastor of the Church in Somers, Who Departed this Life December 30th, 1803. By Nathan Strong, Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church in Hartford. Hartford. Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1804. 19pp.
A good + copy, bound in leather, generally solid, with light to moderate foxing.