1804 WESTERN MISSIONARY MAGAZINE. Cane Ridge Revival - Rare Second Great Awakening Periodical!
1804 WESTERN MISSIONARY MAGAZINE. Cane Ridge Revival - Rare Second Great Awakening Periodical!
An exceptionally rare, primary resource on revivalism during the height of the Second Great Awakening and in the context of the Westward Expansion. We have never handled another issue of this rarity.
The Westward Missionary Magazine; and Repository of Religious Intelligence. May 1804 to April 1805. 480pp.
Contents include:
*Of a Revival of Religion in the Town of Halifax, Vermont, Communicated to the Editors by the Rev Jesse Edson [4pp]
*Thoughts on the Gospel Means of Awakening Sinners [series]
*Love to the House of God [On the importance of the gathering of the Saints; 5pp]
*The Providence of God in the Life of Barnett, a Wyandot Indian
*Of a Revival of Religion in the South Parish of Kilingly Communicated by Israel Day [series]
*On Sanctifying the Lord in Our Hearts by John Watson
*To Sleepers in the House of God. An Address
*Attestation of the Revival at Cambuslang Related to the Fruits and Effects of the Extraordinary Work at that Place in 1742 by Mr. Robe [Extensive]
*A Revival of Religion in Lebanon by Thomas Brockaway 3pp.
*Letter from Seth Williston, one of the Missionaries of the Connecticut [extensive revival account]
*How to Distinguish True and False Doctrines in Religion
*The Journal of George Scott and John Bruce, Missionaries to Sandusky, Brownstown, and their Vicinities [Wyandot Indians, Revival, etc.; Extensive]
*A Short Account of the Revival of Religion among the Hottentots
*God Glorious in Visiting the Iniquities of Fathers upon their Children
*On the Nature of Satisfaction Rendered in the Atonement
*A Narrative of a Work of Divine Grace in Killingworth Begun in the Year 1801 to the Present, 10pp
*On the Light of God's Countenance. What is Meant by the Light of God's Countenance? And what is Implied in Walking in the Light of God's Countenance?
*A Brief Account of the Revivals of Religion which have taken place in the Congregation of Chartiers, in Washington County, Pennsylvania
*On the Revival of Religion in the Bounds of the Presbyterian of Erie
*On Religious Feelings [during revivals]
*On Christianizing the Heathen
*A Brief Account of the Revivals of Religion in the Congregation of Cross-Creek
*An Original Letter of the Rev. Richard Baxter [appears to have been published not until the early 19th century in the Evangelical Magazine in England in America here]
*Thoughts on the Missionary Spirit [and its connection to revivals]
*Remarks on the Late Revivals of Religion [Fascinating commentary on the Cane Ridge Revival, which had been reported on in this periodical the year before; references crying out, falling down, divisions arising among them, etc.]
*Revival of Religion in the Buffalo Congregation, Washington County, Pennsylvania
*Hints to Such as Take the Lead in Meetings for Social Prayer
*The Unknown God Wonderfully Revealing Himself to an Unknown Pagan
etc. etc. etc.
Fair condition only; no exterior binding, stained, worn, some tears, dog-eared, etc., but complete!