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1810 THE PANOPLIST MAGAZINE. John Witherspoon, Revivals, William Carey, John Newton

1810 THE PANOPLIST MAGAZINE. John Witherspoon, Revivals, William Carey, John Newton

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The Panoplist and Missionary Magazine United. June 1809 - May 1810. Boston. Farron and Mallory. 1810. 

A superb primary resource on early American revivals, missions, and history. And all nicely preserved in an early American calf binding. 

Contents include: Religious Communications: On the Divinity of Christ: Objections Considered | On Justification  | Letter from Isaac Watts | Biography: Some Account of Sir Isaac Newton | The Socinian Theme of Divinity | Remarkable Conversion of two Mahometans from Dr. Buchanan’s Sermon before the Society of Missions to Africa and the East | An Account of a Work of Divine Grace, in the Revival of Religion, in Northbridge, Mass. In the Year 1808 by John Crane | Account of John Newton | Religious Communications: Calvinism | The Calamities of the Jews, Inflicted in Consequence of Their Crucifying the Lord Jesus Christ by M. Saurin | Union of Unitarians and Jews | An Answer to the Question, By What Authority are you Convened for Religious Worship, This Day, Not Being the Sabbath, When the command of God is, Six Days Shalt Thou Labor, and Do All They Work? | Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge: East Indies | Biography: Sketch of the Life and Character of John Erskine | Thoughts on the Means of Grace | On Universal Salvation | Letter from Mrs. Rowe to Countess of Hartford, written the day before her death | Memoir of Bishop William Cowper | Memoir of Stephen Hallett Golding | Religious Communications: Congregational Principles of Church Government | Tobago: Extract of a Letter from Mr. Eliot, dated March 25, 1809 | Extract of a Letter from Demarara, dated Feb. 27, 1809 | Otaheite [Tahiti] | Death of Thomas Paine | Mission to Demarara | Prospectus of a New and Complete Dictionary of the English Language by Noah Webster | Life of Bernard Gilpin | Copy of a Letter Written to an Infidel | On the Importance of Religion | Death of David Hume | Missions of United Brethren: Extract from Diary of Missionaries in Labrador | Religious Communications: Reflections on the Evidences of the Existence of God | Thoughts on the Atonement and Example of Jesus Christ | Extract of a Letter from Mr. Wray, Missionary at Demarara | Concern for the Salvation of the Heathen | Original Letter of Isaac Watts to Mrs. Sewall of Boston | A Dialogue on Universal Salvation | William Carey: Copy of his letter to Dr. Miller dated Calcutta, Nov. 30, 1809 

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