1811 WILLIAM WILBERFORCE. Letter from John Venn to Wilberforce re: Robert Storry.
1811 WILLIAM WILBERFORCE. Letter from John Venn to Wilberforce re: Robert Storry.
There is a whole little galaxy of persons in this present letter. It is written to William Wilberforce, of course the famous abolitionist and financier and organizer of much of Evangelicalism. This is evidenced by the case of Rev. Robert Storry, whom this letter concerns, who was awarded the pastorate at St. Peter's by Mrs. William Wilberforce. Storry was married to William Romaine's daughter!
And the present letter was written by, none other than John Venn [1759-1813]. Venn was THE figure at the organizational center of the Clapham Sect. He was one of the founders of the Church Missionary Society, Rector at Clapham [where the Clapham Sect gathered], a leading abolitionist, and prominent Evangelical. His son, Henry Venn, was equally eminent.
A wonderful little grouping of individuals. The content is a but business, but still a wonderful letter. Wrongfully docketed in later pencil as Henry Venn. Docketed originally on rear in WW's hand.
Carshalton, 9 March 1811
My Dear Sir,
When I had last the pleasure of seeing you you desired me to look at my Accounts to see whether you had paid me your subscription towards a curate for Mr. Storry - Upon looking I do not find that you have paid me more than 10L on Mr. Storry's account, which was early in December last, but whether that was for his curate or a subscription toward his removal to Bath I do not now recollect.
There is another point about which I am in doubt - Mr. Thornton some time ago called upon me with a note from you which I immediately sent to Mr. Storry in a frank give me by Mr. Thornton & which note was the following purport:
"I enclose a draft for 9.2.3 & another for 26.19.2 making together 36.6.0 for the Fund made for defraing poor Storry's journey to Bath. It is from York."
Now to the rest of my recollection, I did not myself receive either of the 2 drafts above mentioned, but remember that upon Mr. Thornton's enquiring how I should send the money & finding I should pay it in to Mr. Storry's Nephew at the Bank, he told me that he would undertake to do that & accordingly I believe that the drafts fo 26.19.9 was paid to Mr Storry Jun. But whether the draft of 9.2.3 was sent or was paid in I know not.
Mr. Storry has not written to me, inclosing a copy of the Note aforementioned & conceiving that I have still in my hands the above for 36.1.0 - will you be so goo as to turn to your accounts & see whether you sent me 9.2.3 as well as 26.19.9 & by whom it was sent. Also on what account you paid me 10L in Dec? As soon as I am clear respecting the above I will write to Mr. Storry & explain the whole.
We all are now settle at Carshalton, while my house is repairing, in the House which Mr. Bean lately occupied & are all much pleased with the place.
With my best kindest regards to Mrs. W. I am ever, dear Sir,
Your truly obliged & Affectionate.