1821 BAPTIST MISSIONARY MAG. Adoniram Judson, Revival, William Carey, William Wilberforce
1821 BAPTIST MISSIONARY MAG. Adoniram Judson, Revival, William Carey, William Wilberforce
The American Baptist Magazine and Missionary Intelligencer. January 1821-December 1822 [two years complete]. Boston. James Loring, and Lincoln & Edmands. 480pp.
Very good, solid and clean in original full calf as shown.
Contents include: Address to Baptists on Communion | Address on the Creek Indians | Report the Annual Meeting of the English Baptist Missionary Society | John Witherspoon on the Atonement | Biographies of Benjamin Keach [17th century Baptist], Mrs. William Carey, Andrew Fuller, etc. | The Burman Mission [Extensive series] | Letts from William Carey [series] | A Letter of Thanks from a Converted Burman | Conversion of a Jew | Experience of a Shawnee Woman | Letter on Haldanian Sentiments [James & Robert, the Scottish Revivalist Baptists] | Memoir of Andrew Fuller | Rev. Adoniram Judson's Journal [series] | Letters from Mrs. Judson | Letter from Mr. Marshman | Mission to the Sandwich Islands | Speech of Mr. William Wilberforce | Departure of William Ward | United Prayer Meeting [for revival] | Intelligence from Serampore | Revivals of Religion in Homer, Chester, Holland, Sutton, Saybrook, Sedgewick, Dorset, Henderson, Bellingham, etc. | The Baptist State Convention of South Carolina, etc.