1827 GUARDIAN AND MONITOR FOR RISING GENERATION. Hawaii, Woodcuts, Missionaries, Slavery.
1827 GUARDIAN AND MONITOR FOR RISING GENERATION. Hawaii, Woodcuts, Missionaries, Slavery.
Very attractive early 19th century periodical for the young, including very fine full-page woodcuts, an original poem, The Negro's Petition, etc. etc.
[Various]. The Guardian and Monitor. A Monthly Publication, Devoted to the Moral Improvement of the Rising Generation. January to December 1827. New-Haven. N. Whiting. 1827. 430pp + Index.
Contents include:
*Crater of Kirauea in Hawaii [Owyhee] with Superb Full Page Woodcut Entitled, "A Night View of the Crater of Kirauea, a Volcano at the Sandwich Islands."
*The Fire-Engine
*Natural Theology [series]: On Insects, Spiders, The Proboscis, The Metamorphosis, Bees, Wax and Honey, The Gossamer Spider, Shell-Fish, Perfection of the Seed, Grasses, The Elements, Astronomy,
*Interesting Letter from Assaad and Arab Youth, to a Young Lady in New-Haven
*Goliath of Gath with Woodcut Entitled of the Same
*A Remarkable Conversion
*Reflections on Comets
*Liffy and Illy Cewen of Lochlarene. A Scottish Story of Truth [series]
*The Mission at the Sandwich Islands [Hawaii; Owyhee]
*The Panoply, or Complete Armour [Ephesians, Full Armour of God] with Excellent Woodcuts
*Sodom and Gomorrah in their Present State
*On Cruelty
*The South Sea Islands - The Queen of Otaheite [Tahiti]
*Examination of the Schools at Lahaina at the Sandwich Islands
*On the Forms of Ancient Books and Scrolls, Particularly those Mentioned in Scripture with Accompanying Woodcuts
*The Young Exhorted to the Fear of the Lord
*The Mission at Ceylon with Accompanying Woodcut Map
*Diana of the Ephesians with Accompanying Woodcut of the Many-Breasted Goddess [p.146]
*The American Ant-Catcher
*The Mission to Palestine
*The Children of New Zealand, from Mr. Stack's Journal
*The Pyramids of Djizeh with Accompanying Full-Page Woodcut
*Eternity of Punishment
*The Irish Boy
*Benjamin West. Sketch of the Early Life of Benjamin West, Late President of the Royal Academy of London [series]
*The Conversion and Baptism of Jews at Constantinople
*The Obelisks at Alexandria, with Accompanying Woodcut
*Missionary Facts and Anecdotes [Chinese New Year Festivals]
*Dagon, with Accompanying Full-Page Woodcut
*Hans Holbein, the Painter
*The Sunday-School Boy and His Bible
*The Cherub Described by Ezekiel, with Full-Page Woodcut
*Revelation 20.12
*Public Funeral of the King and Queen of the Sandwich Islands, from the Account of the Voyage of the Blonde Frigate
*The Oriental Bridegroom's Dress, with Full-Page Woodcut
*On Bread and the Origin of Baking
*Education among the Cherokees and Choctaws - Examination of the School at Brainerd
*Oriental Marriage Procession, with Full-Page Woodcut
*The Young Invited to Jesus
*Ellen and Sophia; or, The Broken Hyacinth. [Series] by Mary Sherwood
*Vegetable Milk
*The Negro's Petition, by I.M.M. of Dartmouth.
Pity the sorrows of a poor black man,
Who groans beneath oppression's ruthless reign;
Ye sons of freedom, oh! do all you can,
Emancipation for the slave to gain.
These bleeding wounds my misery bespeak,
These deep-drawn sighs proclaim my weight of grief,
These lurid tears which trickle down my cheek,
In tacit language beg for kind relief.
Hard is the lot of the poor negro slave,
Short is his rest, and scanty is his fare,
A tyrant's pity he in vain doth crave,
He still the burden and the lash must bear.
Flows not the vital current from my heart,
As pure as his who o'er me bears control;
Did not his Maker life to me impart -
Give me like him a never-dying soul?
Let reason, let religion, answer give -
And bid the oppressor cease to be unjust;
Tell him that soon we both shall cease to live,
And must claim kindred in primeval dust.
How oft, alas! the sacred queen of heaven
Had gladdened nature with her smiling face,
Since from my bosom happiness was driven,
By white-skinned monsters of the human race.
Our fatal eve, returning to the land,
With bosom light I plied the willing oar,
My wife and children waiting on the strand,
To hail me welcome with my sinny store.
Toward our hut with pleasure soon we hied [sic.]
Thought not in ambush evil was aloof -
But mark, alas! beset on every side,
The bloodhounds siezed me and their pry bore off.
Adieu, I cried, my wife and babes adieu -
Farewell my friends, my native land farewell;
Ah! torn for ever dear delights from you,
With fell oppression I am doomed to dwell.
Still do my ears my children's cries retain,
Still do my eyes behold my wife's despair,
Still doth my bosom feel the parting pain,
Still doth fond memory each dear image bear.
Think on my fate, (nor may you think in vain)
All ye who can for misery heave the sigh;
The heart of pity bleeds for other's pain,
Then hear, oh hear a wretched negro's cry!
Pity the sorrows of a poor black man,
Who groans beneath oppression's ruthless reign;
Ye sons of freedom, oh! do all ye can,
Emancipation for the slave to gain.
Very attractive half-leather 8vo, some rubbing at extremities. Solid and clean, some toning and foxing, small marginal stain through several signatures. Period signature on rfep from Charlestown, likely South Carolina.