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1830 SUNDAY SCHOOL. An Exceptional Intact Early 19th Century Sunday School Lending Library!
1830 SUNDAY SCHOOL. An Exceptional Intact Early 19th Century Sunday School Lending Library!
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Here is a really wonderful and choice little piece of Americana; a well-preserved time capsule of one of the most significant influences on American religion in the 19th century.
At the heart of the early 19th century revivalist and missionary movements was the local Sunday School Lending Library. Nearly every church had one. And in it were what would have been considered the most influential titles for the young, ranging from missionary biographies, moral tales, accounts of the piety of the young, works for parents, and works of practical devotion often abridged or simplified so that they could be digested in a week. These works were carefully chosen by the Sunday School Union and the American Tract Society in an effort to fuel genuine godliness and missionary zeal.
What we have here is a partially intact and assembled lending cabinet removed from a 19th century Sunday School and preserved in reconstructed in very nearly the state it was when it was in use. It includes over 80 titles, many scarce and in a very fine state of preservation. It is a really wonderful, tactile item.
Measures 20 inches wide, 22 inches high, and just over 5 inches in depth.
Condition as shown; worn, as expected. Titles range from fair to good + and very good with many of the works being quite crisply preserved examples.
Some of the titles include:
*Edward and Miriam. A Tale of Iceland. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1836.
*Letters to a Younger Brother on Various Subjects, Relating to the Virtues and Vices, Duties, and Dangers of Youth. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1838.
*Memoirs of Augustus Hermann Francke. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1830.
*The Life of Colonel James Gardiner, who was Slain at the Battle of Preston-Pans, September 21, 1745. by Philip Doddridge. Nd. c.1830's.
*Life of Mrs. Ann H. Judson, Late Missionary to Burmah; With an Account of the American Baptist Mission to that Empire. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. Nd. c.1830's.
*The Customs and Manners of the Bedouin Arabs: Designed Especially to Illustrated the Early Scripture History. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1837.
*Tahiti Receiving the Gospel. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1832.
*History of the Sandwich Islands: With an Account of the American Mission Established in 1820. With a Supplement, Embracing the History of the Wonderful Display of God's Power in these Islands in 1837-1839. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1831.
*The Life of Elisha. F. W. Krummacher. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1836.
*History of the Mission to Orissa, Site of the Temple of Juggernaut. by Amos Sutton. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1835.
*Tahiti with the Gospel. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1835.
*Family Conversations on the Evidences of Revelation. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. Nd. c.1830's.
*Life of the Late Learned and Reverend Cotton Mather. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1829.
*The Life of John Knox. The Scottish Reformer. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1835.
*Addresses Delivered in the Gaelic Chapel [Aberdeen] to the Children Attending the Aberdeen Sabbath Schools by Rev. Duncan Grant, Minister of Alves. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1829.
*Fireside Conversations on Some of the Principal Doctrines of the Bible. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. Nd. c.1830's.
*Sabbath. The First Day of the Week. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. Nd. c.1830's.
*Youthful Memoirs. Compiled by W. Carus Wilson. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. Nd. c.1830's.
*Harriet Fisher; Or, The Missionary at Home. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1843.
*A Mother's Journal during the Last Illness of Her Daughter, Sarah Chisman. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. Nd. c.1830's.
*The Infant's Progress, from the Valley of Destruction to Everlasting Glory, by Mrs. Sherwood. [Based on Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress]. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. Nd. c.1830's.
*The Youth's Friend Magazine of the American Sunday School Union for 1837.
*The Youth's Friend Magazine of the American Sunday School Union for 1838.
*The Youth's Friend Magazine of the American Sunday School Union for 1840.
*Select Biographies, including Abolitionist Moses Brown, Eleazer Wheelock, Se-Quo-Yah, etc.
*Hints to the Charitable. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. Nd. c.1830's
*The Child's Guide through the Bible; Or, a Help to Understand the Bible. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1847.
*Union Hymns for Use in Sabbath Schools, Bible Classes, Teachers' Meetings, etc. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1835.
*The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, etc. Oxford. At the University Press. 1839. Diamond 48's. Full leather.
*The Interpretation of the Bible. Boston. Massachusetts Sabbath School Society. 1844.
*The Colporteur and Roman Catholic. A Dialogue. New York. American Tract Society. c.1840's.
*Jesus and the Woman at Sychar. Boston. Massachusetts Sabbath School Society. 1840's.
*Meditations of a Christian Mother; or, a Practical Application of Scripture to the Circumstances of Herself and her Children. Philadelphia. Presbyterian Board of Publication. Nd. c.1830's.
*Memoirs of Henry Obookiah, a Native of Owhyhee [ Hawaii / Sandwich Islands ], and a Member of the Foreign Mission School; Who died at Cornwall, Connecticut, February 17, 1818 at aged 26 Years. Philadelphia. American Sunday School Union. 1830.
*The Strength of Hindooism; or, Hindoo Mythology. by Eli Noyes, Late Missionary at Orissa. Boston. Waite, Peirce, & Co. 1846.
Etc. etc. etc.