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1839 SCOTTISH CHRISTIAN HERALD. M'Cheyne, Covenanters, Horatius Bonar, Revivals, &c.

1839 SCOTTISH CHRISTIAN HERALD. M'Cheyne, Covenanters, Horatius Bonar, Revivals, &c.

Regular price $225.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $225.00 USD
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A superb and lovely volume of the finest Scottish Evangelical periodical of the period; superb original content by the Bonars, Robert Murray M'Cheyne, Revival, Scottish Theology, and Premillennialism related, etc., etc.

The Scottish Christian Herald; Conducted Under the Superintendence of Ministers and Members of the Established Church. January 5, - December 28, 1839.

Contents include:

On Peace in Believing by Thomas Chalmers; Altar of the Unknown God by Robert Jamieson; The Protestant Church in France at the Beginning of the 18th Century by John G. Lorimer; A Discourse on the Connection between Time and Eternity by William Muir; The Restitution of Human Nature by James Esdaile; Erasmus and Luther; A Moslem [Muslim] Funeral in Syria; Serpent Charmers and Jugglers in Egypt; The Circumstances which Led to the Reformation in Germany by James Bryce; Rafaravavy the Malagasy Martyr [Madagascar]; Reason and Revelation; On the Desecration of the Lord's Day by the Running of the Royal Mail; An Account of the General Assembly Held at Glasgow, 1638 by Thomas M'Crie; Tjhe Oxford Puseyites; Popery and Infanticide in Portugal and Spain [ Abortion ]; The Present State and Future Prospects of the Jews; The Death of Patrick Hamilton - First Marty of the Covenant by James Bryce; Galileo and His Discoveries; The Early Settlers of New Brunswick by George Burns; The Wisdom of God in the Creation of the Vegetable World by William Grant; The Duties of the Christian as a Father by John Smyth; The Hope of Israel by W. M. Hetherington; To Niagara - Written at the First Sight of its Falls, 1837 by J. S. Buckingham; On the Rejection of the Jews [series] by David Fleming; The Young Inquirer at Skye [Revival]; The Maelstrom [Poem by J. Aikman; Reminiscent of Herman Melville - Moby Dick]; The Extent and Limitation of Man's Dominion Over the Animals by James Esdaile; The Duty which Children Owe to their Parents by Robert S. Candlish; On the Manifestation of the Divine Glory by David Brown; Arrangement of Psalm 119 by Andrew Bonar; The Late Hurricane by Wililam M'Comb; Recent Persecution in Madagascar; The Awful Danger of Apostasy by David Arnot; Popery in the South Pacific; The Deputation to Palestine [Mission of Inquiry to the Jews - Robert Murray M'Cheyne, Andrew Bonar, etc.]; Abolition of the Helvetic Confession of Faith; Gipsy Reformation; Socialism in England; James VI and the Presbyterian Ministers; Proposed Plan for the Reformation of the Gipsies in Scotland; Prayer for the Dead in Sin. A Discourse by James Henderson; Sabbath Reflections Written at Sea by Robert Skeen; George Charles in Silesia by Andrew Bonar; Education of the Blind; The General Assembly's Deputation to Palestine; Biographical Sketch of George Whitefield [series]; The First Establishment of a Printing Press at Tahiti; A Thought on the State of the Jews; On Prayer as Essential to Christian Character by William Paterson; The Importance of Bible Education by Archibald Bennie; An Address to Intending Immigrants [to Canada, America, India, &c.]; Thy Word is a Lamp Unto my Feet by Robert Murray M'Cheyne; Family Relations and their Duties by Charles John Brown; The Five Articles of Perth by Thomas M'Crie; The Word of God the Only Rule of Faith and Practice by William Cunningham; To the Evening Star - Written while at Sea by an Emigrant; Sketches of the Ejected Ministers who Flourished in the 17th Century; The Gospel Adapted to the Poor by John Hunter; Effects of Christianity upon the Intellectual Condition of the Poor by John Hunter; The Character of the Deceived Prophet by Alexander Turner; The Revivals at Stewarton and the Kirk of Shotts by Thomas M'Crie; Education in the Highlands; The Effects of Christianity on the Moral Condition of the Poor by John Hunter; The History of Laud's Liturgy; The Prevalence of Practical Atheism [series] by Hugh Ralph; Account of the Dutch Reformed Church; The Seven Churches of Asia [series] by James Buchanan; The Covenanters of 1638 by Thomas M'Crie; The State of the Jews in Jerusalem; The Fact of Creation an Object of Faith by Robert S. Candlish; Siberian Converts; The Fisherman's Tribute of Gratitude; The Origins of the Solemn League and Covenant; The Prevalence of Socialism in England; The Type of a True Convert by David Arnot; The Chief Happiness of Man to be Found only in the Enjoyment of God by Alexander Turner; The Solemn League and Covenant and the Westminster Assembly of Divines; The Sea Bird by John Pringle; Arguments against Cruelty to the Animal Creation; Religious Awakening / Revival in Northern India; Revival at Kilsyth [lengthy]; A Brief Account [lengthy] of the Revival at Kilsyth by W. M. Hetherington; Unregenerate Man Degraded to the Level of the Beasts; The Revival at Kilsyth - A Statement by William Chalmers Burns; Second Statement on the Progress of the Revival at Kilsyth; Account of the Communion during the Revival at Kilsyth - Septeber 22, 1839 by William Chalmers Burns; Happy Death of a Happy Israelite [Jewish Convert]; Revivals of Religion in the Islands of Arran; On Preparation for the Christian Passover by John Bruce; Believers without the Joy of Full Assurance by J. A. Wallace; Three Inquiring Rabbis in Jerusalem; Revival of Religion on the Continent of Europe [Robert Haldane]; Farther Particulars of the Revival at Kilsyth; Revivals of Religion on the Island of Skye [series]; The Revival of Religion at Berlin;  etc. 

A large 4to, near folio, in matching very attractive half leather; generally solid and clean. An exceptional example of an excellent volume. 

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