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1850-1851 ASA BULLARD. The Well-Spring Magazine. Extensive Juvenile Revival Content &c.

1850-1851 ASA BULLARD. The Well-Spring Magazine. Extensive Juvenile Revival Content &c.

Regular price $150.00 USD
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Two complete years of one of the most important periodicals for the young of the early and mid-19th century; edited by Sabbath School pioneer, Asa Bullard, and full of really excellent content, not least of which are extensive accounts of revivals directly impacting the young. 

Bullard, Asa [ed.] The Well-Spring. Understanding is a Well-Spring of Life. Published Weekly by the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society.  January to December 1850. 206pp + indices

[bound with]

Bullard, Asa [ed.] The Well-Spring. Understanding is a Well-Spring of Life. Published Weekly by the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society.  January to December 1851. 208pp + indices.

Contents include: The First Christian Burial Among the Zulus | A Revived Sabbath School |Confined for having the Bible! | A Lesson from the Indians | Revival | Influence of Bad Books | The Old Iron-Bound, Chained Bible | Punishing Liars in Turkey | Revivals in Sabbath Schools | A Revival in Essex | The Revival | The Youth at the Sandwich Islands [Hawaii] | Wigglesworth on Family Government | The Sabbath School in Africa | Committing the Catechism and a Revival | Fourth of July Accidents [ Fireworks ] | Revival in South Wilbraham Sunday School | Letters from Heathen Youth – Unvoti, Port Natal | Our Puritan Ancestors and the Catechism | Revival in Candia, New Hampshire | How Old is Jesus? R. S. Maclay, Missionary to China | Sabbath School in Pawtucket, Rhode Island in 1798 | Jenny Lind and the Orphans | Jenny Lind’s Interest in Her Native Land | Revivals at Ipswich | Letter from a Negro Boy, Atropong, West Africa | Who will be a Soldier?  | Jenny Lind’s Visit to the Blind. | Juvenile Temperance at the Sandwich Islands | The Balloon [Charming illustration of a hot air balloon] | Soldier’s Library at Fort McHenry | Sabbath School Books for California | What Females can Do. | Juvenile Crime in Boston | The Wars of the Crusaders | Rev. Mr. Stoddard’s Letter [Missionary to Persia] | Calvinistic Sunday School Books for Texas | Boys, Beware the First Whiff [Cigar Smoking]. | Example of John Quincy Adams | Finger Nails of a Hindoo Beggar | Revival of Religion in the West Parish | Jenny Lind a Life-Long Member of the Society [Sunday School] | The Chickasaw Cousins | Revival in Bedford | Prayer Answered while we are Speaking [Revivals in Colleges] | The Indian Preacher | M’Cheyne’s Interest in the Young | Children Coming to Christ in Iowa | Disobedience and Sabbath Breaking | Missionary and Indian Woman | Conversions in a Sunday School in Michigan [Beverly, MI] | The Vinegar Bible | Eclipse of the Sun at the Sandwich Islands | A Letter from the Sandwich Islands [Maleawao, Maui] | No Swearing in Ojibway | Revival in High Street Sabbath School, Providence | Revival in Waterford, Vermont | Effects of Revivals on the Sabbath School | Anglo-Bengali Primer [Baptist Mission Press] | Religious Blessings of our Land | Tobacco Reform | My Visit to Algiers [Music of the Negroes, etc.] | New England Primer of 1777 | A Moorish Coffee-House [Superb engraving] | Still Older Editions of the New England Primer, etc. etc. etc.

Attractive folio, 12.5 inches in height, half leather, rubbed through at corners, some tears and foxing. Complete and very sound.


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