1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c
1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c
1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c
1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c
1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c
1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c
1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c
1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c
1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c
1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c
1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c
1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c
1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c

1854 AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Stephen A. Douglas, &c

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An exceptional autograph album of abolitionist, anti-slavery authors and activists, suffrage workers, reform speakers, social advocates, and anti-slavery politicians assembled by Miss Caroline Thayer and from thence to her sister-in-law [?] Sarah Thayer. 

Caroline Thayer was an active abolitionist, being close friend with William LLoyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and many more. This collection perhaps partially assembled by her and partially by another. Many of the speakers have been invited to speak at the Lyceum in Weymouth Landing, Massachusetts. This was the seat of many of the great anti-slavery meetings in the city. Thomas Dalton, W. L. Garrison and many others spoke there on behalf of the New England Anti-Slavery Society, etc., 

Bound in red leather with gilt lettering and ornamentation; front board detached. This absolutely unbroken assemblage with apparently no looted signatures, includes:

William Rounseville Alger (Important anti-slavery preacher. He preached the 1857 Boston Fourth of July oration. It's blistering rebuke of America on the issue of slavery led the Boston city governemnt to refuse its customary vote of thanks and they prohibited its publication. Seven years later, when the prophecies of the orator had been fulfilled, the city government gave him a unanimous vote of thanks and ordered the oration printed.). Partial ALS. "Very respectfully, W. R. Alger."

Elihu C. Baker (President of the Massachusetts Senate who relentlesly pursued the prohibition of slavery as part of the Westward Expansion). Partial ALS. Very truly yours. Elihu C. Baker"

Nathaniel Prentiss Banks (Abolitionist & Major General in the Union Army. Prior to the Civil War, he was voted Governor of Massachusetts and immediately dismissed Judge Edward G. Loring, a key player and enforcer of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850). Partial ALS. Yrs. N. P. Banks." 

Henry Ward Beecher (Abolitionist & perhaps the most influential American preacher between the ministires of Charles G. Finney and D. L. Moody) ALS. Brooklyn Dec 2, 1854. My Dear Sir. I shall not be able to lecture this winter at Weymouth Landing. My engagements preclude it. Very truly yours. H. W. Beecher."

Fredrika Bremer (Swedish author & feminist reformer; she is considered the Swedish Jane Austen. While on a trip to the US she reported on the plight of the slaves and rallied in favor of the abolitionists). Address panel to Mr V Wachinfeldt of Lowell in the hand of Miss F. Bremer. 

Anson Burlingame (diplomat & member of Congress from Massachusetts. He was fascinating. The famed abolitionist, Charles Sumner, had rebuked President Franklin Pierce and others for sympathizing with the brutal treatment of slaves in Kansas. Sumner was attacked by a South Carolina Senator named Preston Brooks. Burlingame, a noted orator, delivered what the New York Times called "the most celebrated speech" of his career: a scathing denunciation of Brooks. He branded him "the vilest sort of coward" on the House floor. In response, Brooks challenged Burlingame to a duel. Burlingame eagerly accepted; as the challenged party, he had his choice of weapons and location. A well-known marksman, he selected rifles as the weapons and the Navy Yard on the Canadian side of the U.S. border in Niagara Falls as the location (in order to circumvent the U.S. ban on dueling). Brooks neglected to show up). ALS. "James F. G. Baxter. Boston Nov 7. Dear Sir. I find I am engaged Nov 20th. Will take another Wed. Yrs ty. A. Burlingame."

Rufus Choate (American orator, lawyer, and Congressman. An outlier in the college, Choate was a noted lawyer, the first to ever use a sleepwalking defense in a court of law . . . arguing a man murdered his family in his sleep. He was opposed to slavery, but a political moderate fearing that the destruction to the Union at the hand of abolitionists was a graver danger than slavery . . . which was true, if you were a white guy). AQ. Partial nearly illegible document in his very unique hand. 

Rufus Wheelwright Clark (Author & theologian; especially noted for his 1860 work, The African Slave Trade, which was released just on the brink of the Civil War; certainly one of the pebbles that tipped the scale). ALS. East Boston, Jany 15, 1855. Dear Sir. I will lecture before your Leceum as you request on Monday evening, January 29. The subject will be, "Russia & the Emperor Nicholas." Yours Respectfully. Rufus W. Clark." 

Cassius Marcellus Clay (A son of Kentucky, he heard William Lloyd Garrison speak while he was a student at Yale. That changed everything. He was, shockingly, elected Governor of Kentucky and then, during the Civil War, was deplyed by Abraham Lincoln to gain Russia's support for the Union. Muhammad Ali, i.e. Cassius Clay, was named for him in honor of his work for the abolition of the slaves). ALS. Nov 3, 1854. Dear Sir. Your favor of the 24th ulto is read. I will leture for $50 - the least $ taken. If terms suit I will hereafter name a day in Jan & next. I am your obt svt. C. M. Clay."

Linus Bacon Comins (member of Congress from Massachusetts who penned for Wm Lloyd Garrison's The Liberator). Partial ALS. "Boston Sept 1857. Please give my compliments to your friend & believe me Yours very truly, Linus B. Comins. To James D. Thorndike Esq." 

William Roscoe Deane (attorney-at-law, chairman of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society, author, etc. ). Partial ALS. "Yours very respectfully, Wm. Roscoe Deane."

Stephen A. Douglas (Defeated Abraham Lincoln in a 1858 campaign for the U. S. Senate in Illiniois; Important anti-slavery politician) Autograph, "S A Douglas"

Ralph Waldo Emerson (Author and one of the most important anti-slavery speakers of the period . . . especially to the educated and cultured cities). ALS. "Mr. Rowe. Dear Sir, I can offer you at Weymouth Monday 4 December, if that day suits you. If I came to Weymouth, the Lyceum shall pay me twenty dollars. Respectfully, R. W. Emerson." 

William Llloyd Garrison (Perhaps the leading abolitionist of the American movement). ALS. "Miss Caroline Thayer. For your numerous kindnesses to me and mine, accept our united and very grateful acknowledgments, (those of master Franky in special,) and the assurance that we think your friendship is far "more precious than the gold of Ophir." Yours, to make "a happy new year," Wm Lloyd Garrison."

Henry Giles (Author & theologian from Maine who was a regular on the anti-slavery speaking circuit). ALS. "Bucksport, ME October 12th, 1853. Dear Sir, I will be happy to lecture for your Institution some time in February. Be kind enough to inform me on what evening in the week your lectures are delivered - and in reply I will let you know the date which I may have to spare. Address me as above. Yours truly. Henry Giles." 

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (Medical Doctor, Poet & Father of the famous jurist, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.). ALS. Pittsfield, Mass. Sept 18th, 1854. Dear Sir. It will give me much pleasure to lecture before the Mattapan Literary Association in the coming winter. I will prefer Wednesday Dec 27th as the evening. Please let me know as soon as convenient if this evening will be agreeable to you. Yours truly. O. W. Holmes. 

General / President Andrew Jackson. Scrap of paper mounted to an early larger fragment labeled "Gen. Andrew Jackson's Autograph" with the word "private" in Jackson's hand, reverse with black wax seal. 

Thomas Starr King (Political activist, abolitionist, & theologian) Partial ALS. "Regretting that I cannot serve you. I am truly yours. T. S. King." Addressed to Henry A. Drake with content on the difficult schedule King is maintaining on the rear. 

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Renowned poet, abolitionist & educator). Fine 3pp ALS, "Cambridge, Oct 10. 1870. Dear Miss Thayer, I should be delighted to comply with your request if it were any way possible for me so to do; but unhappily it is not. I have so many applications of a similar kind that I am forced to decline all; though often, as in your case, with extreme reluctance. I hope therefore that you will pardon me if I do not make any exception in the present instance, and not put it down to any want of sympathy and interest in the good cause for which you are working. With great regard. Yours truly. Henry W. Longfellow." 

Owen Lovejoy (Abolitionist, friend of Abraham Lincoln, and considered a significant architect of the Underground Railroad in Illinois). Autograph, O. Lovejoy. MC [Member of Congress]. 

Alonzo Ames Miner (President of Tufts College and ardent abolitionist). Partial ALS. "concerned, I shall take it as an especial favor if you will change the eve'g for my lecture from Dec. 11th to Dec. 19th or 20th, [Tues. or Wed'y] of the week after next. Yours truly, A. A. Miner."

William Douglas O’Connor (Anti-slavery journalist and author in a variety of publications of the period). "Yours truly, Wm. D. O'Connor." 

John Gorham Palfrey (Abolitionist & member of Congress from Massachusetts). Partial ALS. "I am, dear sir, very respectfully yours, John G. Palfrey." 

Edwards Amasa Park (Important theologian and editor of the works of Samuel Hopkins, etc., and ardent abolitionist). Partial ALS. "I should be very glad, my dear sir, to see you in Andover at my house; & remain most sincerely, your friend & servant, Edard A. Park. 

Theodore Parker (Social reformer & theologian). Partial ALS. "Yours faithfully, Theo. Parker. Here are some tickets to a show." 

Wendell Phillips (Leading abolitionist). Partial ALS. The end of a letter regarding his book, "Let me hear soon what you wish. Oblige. Wendell Phillips." 

Josiah Quincy (Leading abolitionist & member of Congress from Massachusetts). ALS. Boston 30 Oct, 1854. Wm H. Rowe Esq. Weymouth. Dear Sir, Unless your lecture season extends into March it will not be possible for me to have the honor of accepting your invitation. & if it does, I could only do it conditionally, as it is impossible for me to know what may be engagements at so distant a period. Asking to be remembered to my old friend Mr. Thayer with thanks for his invitation. I am very truly. Josiah Quincy."

William Henry Ryder (Abolitionist & theologian). ALS. "Wm H. Rowe. Roxbury Dec 29, 1854. Dear Sir, I am expecting to lecture before the Lyceum in Weymouth Landing on the 2d Monday evening (i.e. the 8th) in Jany, and if nothing interferes absolutely to prevent my doing so, I shall be on the spur at the hour. I am Sir, Repsectfully, W. H. Ryder." 

John Godfrey Saxe (Journalist and political activist). ALS. "No reply to my letter - and, consequently, I doubt whether I have a day left for you this side of March. Hoping to meet you during teh winter, that I may give you that greeting with a Green Mountain boy force. I am dear Bro, yours most truly, John G. Saxe." 

Jared Sparks (Historian, President of Harvard; he was an intensely practical abolitionist and advocate of recolonization, etc., and discussed it with his friend, Thomas Jefferson, at length) ADS. "University at Cambridge. Certification of Admission, Cambridge July 20th, 1849. W. H. Row is admitted a member of the Freshman Class in Harvard College, etc.," Signed Jared Sparks as Persident of Harvard College. 

Richard Salter Storrs, Jr. (Theologian and abolitionist). ALS. to Dear Miss Thayer.

Andrew Leete Stone (Author & civil war chaplain for the 45th Regiment of the Massachusetts Volunteers). ALS. Boston Nov 3rd, 1853. My Dear Sir, I am already pledged elsewhere for Nov 16th. I am sorry that I cannot therefore meet your wishes. I could spare for you Wed Evening the 23 if you wish it. Be aware that I am nearly full up to the 1st day of Jany. If you assign me the 23rd, please give me immediate notice. Yours very truly. A. L. Stone. Jas. F. G. Baxter Esq."

William S. Studley (Anti-slavery activist & theologian). ALS. "Charlestown, Jan 18/54. Dear Sir. You may expect me as you desire on Wednesday evening, Feby 1st. Yours truly, William S. Studley"

Harriet Beecher Stowe (Famous abolitionist & author of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”). AQS on HBS embossed letterhead. "You, oh you so perfect, & so peerless are created. Of every creature's best. (Tempest). H. B. Stowe."

Sylvanus Thayer (Brevet Brigadier General and “the father of West Point”). Partial ALS. The salutation and autograph from the close of a letter, "growth. Ever heartily yours. S. Thayer." 

Mark Trafton (Member of Congress & Theologian). Partial ALS, "Yours truly. M. Trafton"

Howard Malcolm Ticknor (Journalist). Partial ALS. "Yours very sincerely, Howard M. Tickner." Addressed to, "Mr Henry C. Richards, Chairman &c."

Robert Cassie Waterston (Poet,Theologian, & Orator). ALS. Boston, Dec 24th, 1853. Dear Sir. I regret that I should have been out when you called. I shall consider myself engaged for South Boston on Wednesday, Jany 25th. Will you take tea with me on that evening after which we can go over together? Very truly yours. R. C. Waterston." 

Daniel Webster (Noted Orator & Politician; 1782-1852. Served as Secretary of State under Presidents William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, and Millard Fillmore. Perhpas the most prominent 19th century lawyer, he argued more than 200 cases before the Supreme Court). Autograph sentiment, "Yrs Truly. Daniel Webster" 

Daniel Fletcher Webster (Chief Clerk in the U.S. Department of State & Civil War hero). Auotgraph from Washington D.C. letter, "Fletcher Webster."

George Whipple (Abolitionist & theologian). ALS. "Boston, Aug 25, 1853. Dear Sir. I have recd your favor of the 18th. I think I shall be able to comply with your request during the winter. Very respectfully, G. Whipple." 

Seth Williams (Adjutant General of the Army of the Potomac during the Civil War). Fine Civil War era partial document. "Respectfully reference Brig Gen Patrick Provost Marshal General the commander of Brig Gen Hooker, S. Williams." 

Henry Wilson (Vice President of the United States from Natick Massachusetts). Autograph. "Henry Wilson. Natick Mass."

William Winter (Author & drama critic). Partial ALS. "With good wishes, Sincerely yours, William Winter." [with another similar]

Also includes native autographs of Selah Merrill [American Congregationlist who served as the American Consul in Jerusalem], Thomas A Emerson [Pastor in Wolfeborough], Charles R. Bliss [Pastor at Wakefield], Itinerant Preacher Marshall M. Cutter, Walter M. Barrows of Andover Theological Seminary,