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1861 CIVIL WAR. Early Soldier-Used Hymnal. The First Hymnal Published for Union Troops. Rare!

1861 CIVIL WAR. Early Soldier-Used Hymnal. The First Hymnal Published for Union Troops. Rare!

Regular price $225.00 USD
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A field-used, battle-worn copy of the first hymnal issued for Union troops during the American Civil War. 

The present is a very slight variant of the example in the Harvard Divinity School Library's Religious Aspects of the American Civil War collection. The pocket hymnal, the first chronologically in their archives, is perhaps the first issued for soldier's use. 

In The Work of the Army Committee of the New York Young Men's Christian Association, Brainerd records that the hymnal was published on June 16, 1861 and became "the first publication of its kind for use in the Army." It went through several very swift editions in 1861, nearly identical and almost indistinguishable from each other. This one marked the 45,000th thousand, so quite early in the run. 

Burtis, J. H. [Comp.]. Vernon and Ballard [Pref.]. The Soldier's Hymn Book. New York. Published by the New-York Young Men's Christian Association. John A. Gray, Printer, N.Y. 1861. 

A fair copy only, having evidently been heavily used and involved in the throes of the American Civil War. Front lithographed panel heavily rubbed and nearly illegible. Title attractive. A few leaves torn with minor losses as shown, generally at the central "thumb" point, likely when being used during services among the troops. 

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