1864 C. H. SPURGEON. Very Rare Defense of Spurgeon in the "Baptismal Regeneration" Controversy.
1864 C. H. SPURGEON. Very Rare Defense of Spurgeon in the "Baptismal Regeneration" Controversy.
A very scarce, and volcanic work defending C. H. Spurgeon in the midst of the controversy on Baptismal Regeneration. Spurgeon was very forthrightly, from what was quickly becoming one of the most influential pulpits in England, spoken out against the rite of infant baptism, especially as it was viewed to be regenerative in the Anglican communion. The result was instant, multi-vocal, and often cheap and tawdry, treating Spurgeon as a punk, patronizing him, and dripping with sarcasm.
His friends, both personal and theological, rushed to his defense. Perhaps the most prolific among them was Robert Bellman, here published by Spurgeon's own Passmore & Alabaster.
He closes his reply to his Anglican combatant, "I select you from the crowd of pamphleteers as the sauciest of them all, and shall cherish a watchful interest in your future history, in the hope that a conviction of your impropriety, as well as of the rottenness of your cause, will work a genuine repentance."
Bellman, Robert A. "Great is Diana:" Or, Mother Church and the Babes. A Rejoinder to the Rev. Charles Wills' Playful Tractate, Entitled, "The Rev. C. H. Spurgeon Settled." London. Passmore & Alabaster. 1864. 16pp.
Good +, removed from larger sammelband. So a bit a tender, but crisp and clean. Scarce with only a handful of institutional copies located. None on the open market.