1875 THE OLD PATHS. Rare Baptist Revivalist Periodical - Rejecting Ministry of D. L. Moody &c.
1875 THE OLD PATHS. Rare Baptist Revivalist Periodical - Rejecting Ministry of D. L. Moody &c.
King, David [ed]. The Old Paths. January to December, 1875. Birminghan. 1875. 144pp.
Contents include many articles on the idolatry of and against the validity of a "state" church, arguments for the unity of the church, article entitled "A Genuine Revival" clearly aimed at differentiating the then-ongoing "revival" meetings of D. L. Moody and Ira D. Sankey in London and Scotland from the real deal, Baptism Subordinate to Preaching, At a Revival Meeting [a first-hand, elsewhere unpublished account critiquing the Moody meetings and the adjoining Young Men's meetings by one who attended them], Justification by Faith, Freedom from Sin, Infant Baptism Renounced, Ancient Examples [of revival] for Present Times, Weekly Observance of the Lord's Supper, Baptism and the Lord's Supper, Jesus the Head of the Church, The Moden Babyl [sectarianism], etc.
Small 8vo, rubbed, a bit shaken, but solid and complete. We have never seen another copy and we have here valuable primary resource material on the Moody revivals.