1882 A. J. GORDON. Miracles of Divine Healing throughout All Ages of the Church
1882 A. J. GORDON. Miracles of Divine Healing throughout All Ages of the Church
Very good work demonstrating historically that divine healing has been a rather consistent feature of the Church of Jesus throughout every church age. Includes material on healing among the Waldensians, Moravians, Huguenots, Quakers, Baptists, Methodists, Melancthon, Edward Irving, Dorothea Trudel, Pastor Blumhardt, Otto Stockmayer, Charles Cullis, Jennie Smith, etc.,
Gordon, A. J. The Ministry of Healing. Miracles of Cure in All Ages. Fleming H. Revell. 1882. 249pp.
Good, solid copy of an excellent work. Probably a slightly later printing without update of printing information. Pencil marks and notes throughout, some insightful; also includes a 1912 newspaper clipping on a young girl miraculously healed from a public newspaper in London. Also some highlights.