1907 CHINESE MISSIONS. From Opium Fiend to Preacher. The Story of Cheng Ting Chiah.
1907 CHINESE MISSIONS. From Opium Fiend to Preacher. The Story of Cheng Ting Chiah.
A superb read; addiction to opium and heroin were rampant and a significant obstacle toward seeing the Gospel take hold in communities. Stories of how the Gospel actually broke the addiction were critical. They ranged from examples like Pastor Hsi, who believed in deliverance from demonic control [he worked with Hudson Taylor], to stories that exemplified the "new affections" and liberty brought by Christ that rendered addictions powerless.
Quirmback, A. P. Ten Years Missionary in China. From Opium Fiend to Preacher. The Story of Cheng Ting Chiah. Illustrated. First Edition. Toronto. Musson Book Company. 1907. 181pp.
Good + to very good with cloth spine and illustrated boards. Minor ex library marking on lower spine as shown. Label on pastedown and small stamp on prelims and rears. Text very clean.